Online Documentation Submissions

Throughout the Botball season, your team will use the Team Home Base to post documentation activities detailing your progress. Botball Online Project Documentation(BOPD) activities are a required element of the Botball program and factor in to each team’s overall score at their regional tournament. Additionally, awards recognizing excellent documentation will be given out in each region.


Note: All submissions are due by 11:59 PM CST on the deadline. Any late submissions will automatically only be able to receive a maximum of 50% for the score and will be scaled accordingly and must be emailed to The next period will start immediately after the previous one closes.

📃 Period 1: Project Plan

The 2024 Period 1 Project Plan Rubric will help your team get organized at the start of the season. This year there is also a quiz as part of the project plan that will help familiarize you with the game. There is also a practice quiz that teams can take before taking the one for their documentation. You may submit the final one as many times as you need but we ask teams to limit it if they can and use the practice quiz first. 2024 Period 1 Rubric v1.1

📃 Period 2: Mechanical Design and Code Review

The 2024 Period 2 Mechanical Video and Code Review Rubric lets us see what progress you’re making on your robots this season.

Teams will submit a link to their video that is on Youtube or another site. Alternatively they may upload the video using the submission form.

Team will also submit a link to their Github for the code review portion. Alternatively they may upload a code example using the submission form.

2024 Period 2 Rubric

📃 Period 3: Lessons Learned and Survey

The 2024 Period 3 Team Promotion Rubric lets us see the final product of your team’s work this season. Teams will upload the video using the submission form. Portions of video may be used in KIPR promotional material. 2024 Period 3 Rubric

📃 Onsite

Each team must give an onsite presentation to a group of judges during their regional tournament and if they attend GCER. Your score for this presentation will be factored into your overall documentation score. We encourage all teams to prepare for their presentation by reviewing the guidelines below as well as the Onsite Presentation Rubric.


The GCER onsite presentation is different from the regional onsite presentation in that it focuses on what teams have done between their regionals and GCER. It is also the only factor in the GCER documentation score.

Presentation Guidelines:

  1. Each team should prepare a virtual presentation or any other virtual aids they wish to use. We recommend including items listed in the rubric in the slides. Teams should have it up and running and ready to go as the 8 minute time limit applies.
  2. Teams are responsible for being ready to present at their appointed time online. Presentations should be given by a maximum of two students. Teams will have no more than 8 minutes to make their presentation.
  3. The onsite judge will expect you to cover the items and topics listed in the rubric.
  4. Your onsite presentation will account for 30% of your documentation score. Documentation accounts for 1/3 of your overall score in the tournament. (At GCER it is 100% of your documentation score.)

The 2024 Onsite Presentation at the tournament will use this rubric. It has changed since previous years, so make sure your team reviews it carefully. Compared to previous years, there is now a set of questions that judges will prompt the team with.


2024 Onsite Presentation Rubric

The 2024 GCER Onsite Presentation at the tournament will use this rubric. It has changed since previous years, so make sure your team reviews it carefully. Compared to previous years, there is now a set of questions that judges will prompt the team with. The questions are different from your regional tournament. 2024 GCER Onsite Rubric